When I come across with one TV Program called as “Tattoo Hunter”, it gives different views about what tattoo all about. Mr Lars Krutak, tattoo anthropologies has traveled all over the world to study about tattoo and meaning behind it. Even he will try to get the original tattoo from the elderly tattooist from the Tattoo Master. In the program he even have to travel to outskirt area to meet the elderly who can do traditional tattoo. According to him that tattoo will "gone forever" if the new generation do not have interest to learn the technique from her.

The native in Sarawak, Borneo also have their own tattoo as part of their identity in those days. I have an opportunity to travel to some part of Sarawak and I notice that most elderly people that I met have tattoo. I asked them what tattoo mean to them. According to them it is part of their practice to get tattoo on their body for identification purpose as well to show their status as well. Even some of them get tattoo on their body is to remind them where have they been travelled. In Iban community they normally used “Bungai Terung” design for this purpose. During those Headhunters day, the Iban community will tattoo their throat using special design and only the expert can do it……