After having breakfast, we all get ready to proceed with our trip to our next destination. We have ready two longboats for our trip to upriver. 4 in one boat is just nice because it is easy for us to pull the boat at shallow area. The water level during our trip is low tide. It is nothing new for me when travelling using the longboat to this type of area. I get used to it.
After we travel for more than one hour we stop and preparing for lunch at the karangan area. We do bring our food ration. Having lunch at karangan area is totally different when you have your food at home. Even with simple food you will enjoy it.
Our journey continued with our visit to Rirong and Sepayang Waterfall. The geographical landscape of this area is very nice and I don’t feel tired even thought we have travel for more than few hours. Enjoying the fresh waterfall and surrounded by the beauty of flora, make our trip more enjoyable.
It is almost 4 pm and it is a time for us to set up the camp at Sepayang area. While another group members is looking for food. Setting up a camp is not that hard because we easily can get all the material from nearby jungle. The weather is not really spotting that evening and I really salute our local guide, they did their job well. Fish is our main menu that evening, cooked in bamboo and deep fried. Its really nice menu I ever had during stay in the jungle.
A night stay in the jungle is very interesting but heavy downpour spoilt our evening. We still manage to a rest for few hours before we wake up early morning for breakfast. Its “mee maggi” time, we love it coz everyone is hungry too…. We are very lucky that morning when we saw a couple of Hornbill and other birds. Really lucky day for us.
Our journey will not be complete if we not reach our final destination, The Japanese Fighting Field located next to Nanga Beguang, only half an hour from our camp. According to the elderly folks from Rh Stephen Jawa, this area was “built” during Japanese occupation time in Sarawak. They have flattened the whole area as their camp site with the help of Iban fro

A good place with friendly people make our trip memorable trip that make us to plan to come back in the near future…..we will be back!!!