Bukit Aup is considered a scared place by the indigenous people of Borneo especially among the Dayaks. According to them, their ancestor descended from Bukit Aup and this would also be the place where they will do in their after life.
Naga Bari, a beautiful Iban Princess, was once regarded as the guardian of Bukit Aup. Her beauty enchanted the local folks. At the mid slope of Bukit Aup was once a stream that flowed into a scared pool, still remains to this day. If you are lucky, you may see Naga Bari bathing in the pool in the early morning. This Naga Bari pool ia believed to help any couple wishing to conceive (bear a child).
There were once six tombs at the top of Bukit Aup. The tombs were believe to belong to some Iban warriors. Those warriors, together with Naga Bari, had been protecting the community of the area in the early days. However, the tombs have since been removed to a nearby longhouse during the development of Jubilee Park.
Bukit Aup is associated with good spirit. Some Iban will come here and perform some rituals during the harvest festival. They perform the thanks-giving ritual of “miring” with offerings being made to Naga Bari. Bukit Aup is widely recognized all over Borneo for its mystical power for good fortune and health. Blessed are those who set foot in Bukit Aup.