In the middle of May, 1990, the descendents their forefathers were from these 10 districts officially founded the World Federation of Foochow Association Limited in Singapore, an organization outside of mainland China. Sibu also known as New Fuzhou is the place where in 19901, Wong Nai Siong led the pioneers from these 10 Fuzhou districts founded the Settlement. There was a Fuzhou clan organization formed the Settlement. There was a Fuzhou clan organization formed in Sibu as early as 1902 and this is the oldest Fuzhou clan organization in the world. Therefore, the New Fuzhou Settlement has the most histories significance among all the overseas Fuzhou clan associations and also is where the Fuzhou culture is preserved and handed down.
For this reason, the World Federation of Foochow Association Limited decided to site association permanent premise within the “Sibu Foochow Settlement Centenary Memorial Buildings” and made financial contribution from the collected funds. It occupies an area 3,000 square feet. In co-operation with the Sibu Foochow Association, the premise is named as the “World Fuzhou Cultural Centre”, a place for the Fuzhou descendents to recognize and identify with their own culture.
In restrospect, it is a pensive moment to think of the pioneers who founded the Settlement. They ploughed through the thorny forest in beating rain and biting storm to lay the foundation for today’s prosperity. History and culture are designated as the two main themes of the Centre in rememberance of their rough pioneering encounter and also not forgetting their contribution. The collections displayed here, be it ordinary or refine artifacts all bear a strong Fuzhou context. The exhibited objects are closely-linked to the Settlement history and all of them exhibit the Fuzhou unique quality of perseverance and courage which is the essence of the Settlement.
The Centre has five displaying sections namely: The Pioneers and The Settlement, Traditional and Culture of the People, 100 Years of Turbulent, The Innovative Fuzhou and the Valuables. This would avail the visitors a glimpse of the immense Fuzhou culture.
Selfless dedication and passion of the Fuzhou countrymen enabled the successful setting up the Cultural Centre. Their contribution and good works shall always be remembered together with this Centre and the Settlement.