Tuesday, May 12, 2009

“Quantum Leap Approach……for tourism industry”

Tourism promotion activities nowadays still much depend with networking, sales call and printed material. With IT conquering the communication globally, more tourism players is switching to the new approach by creating website, blog etc. The result is better than the traditional way.

People travel around the globe for satisfaction and getting new experience. Travelling style have change, more travelers are concern about their safety. No country can run away from this issue, that’s mean all parties need to play their role to minimize it. A new approach needed to tackle the safety issue.

I still remember during my official visit to Brunei, the popular question they ask us is about safety. Safety this, safety that. It triggered to my mind that there are news being spread among the Bruneian traveler that our country is not really safe for them. I am wondering why?

A quantum leap approach to rectify this matter is really needed. The quantum leap approach required immediate action to clean the “un-safe” image among the Bruneian traveler to our state. We have to see from different angle and approach, all party concern need to play vital role to tackle this matter.

Some of “crazy” idea such as private car park weekly for Bruneian travelers at popular shopping mall could be created or public parking area with CCTV or security should be considered. This idea just an immediate approach that can be implemented before other security method properly put in place.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Local food can attract tourist

Have you ever try Bintangor Tumpi and Rojak? If you in Sarikei you should know this where to get Bintangor Tumpi and Rojak. If Sibu is popular with its Foochow Kompiah, Sarikei town with Aik Seng Bun, Bintangor is popular with its Tumpi and rojak. Tumpi is popular among the Melanau and Malay community.

Tumpi is made from sago (lemantak) mixed with coconut, little bit salt and ajinomoto. After mixed with all ingredients fried on special made pan for 10 minutes. It can be served during breakfast or brunch time. Popular known as “local pizza”.

If you have chance to visit Bintagor please don’t miss to try this special food at No 15, Gerai Majlis Daerah Meradong Julau (MDMJ) in Bintangor. This shop open from 6 am to 1 pm daily. There are two category of tumpi, normal RM2 and special RM3 per piece. The different between normal and special is its contents, special sometime mixed with either prawn or fish.

After complete trying Bintangor Tumpi, please try the rojak, a spicy Malaysian salad of fruits and vegetables at stall no 7. Its worth to try because it’s also tasty. Only cost you RM5 to RM7 per plate.

It is maybe normal for the local to take this food but for the tourist it’s a new experience for them. We can see in the media now there lots of program about food. If the local food can be promoted globally, it can attract the food lover to visit our country.

Tourism industry has no boundaries……

Tourism industry is such a universal industry. It is not confined to enjoy the Culture, Nature and Adventure tourism only. All travelers have their own purpose, sometime there are two or three or more purpose of visit combined into one. As all people know that Sibu and Central Region do not have tourism products like Kuching and Miri BUT from tourism point of view, Sibu and surrounding area have other tourism products that can be offered to domestic and international tourist.

Sibu, A City in The Making is getting more and more “energy” to be vibrant and happening town in Central Region. After the launching of Visit Sibu Year 2009, almost every weekend there is event organize by local events organizer. We thanks to the main organizer of Sarawak Cub Prix 2009 Sibu Series and Bukit Aup Jubli Park Run for making this event happened in Sibu.

Events organizers add additional parts inside the tourism industry mechanical structure. They should organize more events to attract more people to visit Sibu and other part of Central Region Sarawak. They should getting support from the relevant authority to start the ball rolling. On the other hand they must have long term plan where they should stand by its own in the near future so that they can continuously organize the same event with new ideas.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Visit Sibu Year 2009

Another effort by the local authority to further develop the tourism industry in Sibu is by introduction of Visit Sibu Year 2009. Lots of people talking about why is too late or rather quite to start with Visit Sibu Year 2009. To me this doesn’t make any different because anything new, there would be some weakness but the most important here is awareness about what is happening in Sibu every month. All this event actually have encourage domestic tourism and at the same time to create more business opportunity to the local community.

I believe the alignment of promotion strategy is very important to attract the attention of tourism players outside Sibu, by attending one of the events in Sibu they also can visit some of the places of interest in Sibu. The main highlight of the event in this calendar would be the launching of RV Orient Pandaw Cruise, BCF and Opening of Yu Lon San Tien En Si Sibu Cultural Festival.

Tour guide play important role in tourism industry

Tourist guide is playing very important role in tourism industry. They are “tourism ambassador” because of their role as frontline group in the industry. Tourist guide are the first person meeting with tourist at the entry point, eg. airport, bus terminal or express boat wharf. As professional tourist guide, they have to put themselves at the tourist shoes because by doing that it will be easier for them to understand what the tourist want.

For record, currently Central Region (Sibu, Sarikei, Mukah and Kapit) only have 2 licensed city guides. That’s mean the authority have to look into this matter seriously if they want to have good tourism image.

Central Region of Sarawak has plenty eco-tourism products that can be develop as tourism products. Eco tourism product is widely promoted all over the world including in Malaysia. If Kuching is famous with its resort in Santubong Peninsular and Miri is famous with its World Heritage Site Mulu National Park. For Sibu and Central Region also have its own landmark. The Mighty Rajang River is yet to be explored, waterfalls and traditional longhouses also have potential to be develop. With good and proactive tourist guide, all this products can be develop and promoted as prime tourism products in the country.

Recently the authority have organize Localised Nature Guides course for 14 participants from Sibu and Sarikei. All of them have grade with flying colours and with this result, they should be available to serve for the travel agent in the central region.

14 participants of Localised Nature Guide course successfully complete the course in Sebangkoi Country Height, Sarikei.

International Cruise coming to Sibu Sarawak Borneo

Irrawaddy Fortilla Company, the first foreign cruise company is going to explore the longest river in Malaysia, The Mighty Rejang River, Sarawak. They have confident to expand their cruise business to Sarawak and they want to be the pioneer in this line. They have six cruise operating in Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Sarawak, Borneo. The RV Orient Pandaw is brand new five star ship launch in Saigon in September 2008 in traditional colonial-style unique to all Pandaw ships. It’s ready to try the “wave” of the mighty rejang river.

The RV Orient Pandaw: Expedition Cruises on the Rajang River package was officially launched by YB Datuk Michael Manyin, Minister for Urban Development and Tourism at Destination Travel Expo in London February this year at Malaysia Booth. Destination Travel Expo is the largest travel consumer expo in the UK held annually in February at the Earl Court Exhibition Centre. Mr Paul Strachan, Managing director of The Irrawaddy Fortilla Company also present.

On April 25, 2009 the seamaster and 5 crews from Sibu have flew in to Mytho, Vietnam and depart back to Sibu Sarawak on 29 May 2009 afternoon, they safely arrive at Sibu wharf on 10.30 am at May 2, 2009. The Minister of Environment and Public Health, YB Dato Sri Wong Soon and Deputy Minister of Transport Malaysia, YB Datuk Robert Lau is among the first VIP’s did their inspection on RV Orient Pandaw River Cruise on the same day.

RV Orient Pandaw will do it!!! Thumbs up lead by YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh when he visit the cruise at Burung Apu Wharf, Sibu recently